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The Easiest Way to Study Abroad

The Easiest Way to Study Abroad Discover Programs And Schools, Get Matched To The Best Options, And Easily Submit Your Applications. From Research And Admission To Visa And Arrival At Your Dream School, We Guide You At Every Step Of The Way!

Why Choose UNIWOLC?

We believe our commitment to excellence sets us apart

Simple Application
Create A Profile In Minutes, Apply To Multiple Schools And Programs In Seconds.
Admission Counselling
Get expert advice on school and program selection, applications, visa, and travel.
1,600+ Schools
Choose from 125,000+ programs across Canada, the US, the UK, Australia and Ireland.
Financial Guidance
Get exclusive scholarships and discover financial support options.
Visa Assistance
Simplify the visa process with advice from certified experts.
Continuous Support
Receive 1-on-1 support from our 10,000+ recruitment partners around the world.
Check Your Eligibility

Complete a short survey and get matched to programs and schools.

Apply to Schools

Select a school and program, complete profile, pay fees, and submit documents.

Get Accepted

The schools review your application and an acceptance letter is issued.

Apply for Visa

UniWolc’s experts guide you through the visa application process.

Start Your Journey

Book your flight, pack your bags, and start your adventure.

Program Category List

Search your career opportunity with our categories


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Find and Apply to the Best Programs and Schools for You

UNIWOLC Guided Me Through The Application Process To Make Sure It Went Smoothly. They Filled Me With Trust Because Their Communication Is So Strong. UniWolc Double-Checked Every Part Of My Application And Visa Requirements So That Everything Was Correct.

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